
dont believe for a second that venom doesnt make fun of eddie for having bones “hahhahaha your body is full of sticks, what the fuck idiot” “do you hate fitting through small holes? is that it? are you afraid of small holes and gaps? bitch”

I want biological comedy


Some Venom (the organism) story ideas, separately or combined as seem good:

  • Venom is not terribly aware of the concept of gender and has certainly no concept of it as corresponding to any particular anatomy.
  • Venom basically considers all mammals to be one sort of organism, and is still waiting for Eddie to chew hraka.
  • Venom considers gametic reproduction to be, frankly, so primitive as to be mortifying, but doesn’t bring it up out of politeness.  (Venom’s concept of politeness is not recognizable as earth-politeness.)
  • Venom is not able to watch television/read/etc without Eddie’s vision and language centers doing the heavy lifting.
  • Venom is an obligate anaerobe and finds Eddie’s ability to breathe oxygen badass (but probably wouldn’t tell him that.)
  • Venom thinks Eddie’s endoskeleton is hilarious: opposable thumbs!  Sure, I’ll just contract a muscle to pull on a tendon to pull a lever to pull on another tendon to pull on another lever!  What a great way to interact with your environment at all.
  • Venom doesn’t know what a slime mold is but surely it must be the pinnacle of earth’s creations.






I don’t want to give people the impression that Venom (2018) is like a Thor: Ragnarok or something.

A lot of what the critics are saying is true – about the plot, the pacing, the…everything really – and yet

When a sweaty Tom Hardy tears open a bag of frozen tater tots and just starts pouring them into his mouth, while an alien symbiote screams ‘HUNGRY!’ and then makes him eat chicken out of the trash…

I’m sitting there feeling like yes, 10/10, movie of the year, give that man an Oscar

Finally, a protagonist who represents the people.

when he just sits in a lobster tank and goes “alright, i’m okay now” like thats such a mood

y’know something Venom (2018) captured unusually well that a lot of stroytelling doesn’t is what it feels like to be sick and trying anything you can to get some relief

Also how ungodly disorienting it would be to try to assimilate and achieve symbiosis with an alien entity while not knowing what the fuck was going on and still trying to go about your business.

Honestly from the moment his head was in the toilet and he helplessly cried out to the universe “what is wrong with me,” my heart was 100% invested.