



I think the real problem here is that big media corporations seem to believe that social media userbases are fungible, and persist in acting on this belief no matter how many times it’s demonstrated to be wrong.

There’s a specific pattern of events that plays out over and over (and over) again, and it looks something like this:

1. Social media platform becomes popular

2. Social media platform is purchased by big media corporation in order to gain access to it large user base

3. Big media corporation realises that social media platform’s demographics are not the demographics they want to sell things to.

4. Big media corporation institutes measures to drive away “undesirable” users, apparently in the honest belief that the outgoing users will automatically be replaced by an equal number of new, more demographically desirable users

5. This does not, in fact, occur

6. Social media platform crashes and burns

You’d think that, by the sheer law of averages, at least one person who’s capable of learning from experience would become involved in this whole process at some point.

That person has been fired 

The media execs fail their math. Specifically, they fail the network theory.

They look at the numbers, like Tumblr’s where only 1% of the users make 99% of the explicit content, if I remember a recent study right. So, why don’t we lose that 1% and live happily ever after? – an exec says.

Because! The networks on social media are decentralized, and the 1% are the key nodes:

Those local nodes are load-bearing, like the cornerstones of a building. Remove them, and the network falls apart and dies.

Soundwave has that image on his wall, because he’s competent:

Boredom and Ribbons, 400 words: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4726019

I can’t believe this post went from explaining the history of social media, to using math to explain it… to a link to a light bondage Transformers fic.

Tumblr Was a Safe Space for Women to Consume Porn. Now It’s Banning Adult Content.




Hi Tumblr! I’m not on here much any more, but in case you are in the mood to fulminate the adult-content ban, here’s me talking to sex educators and Tumblr porn makers about why this space was so important to women, and what we’ll lose when the ban takes effect. 

This article is really good, and you should read it. TL;DR of that and the below: it is so important that there be, in the words of the article, a space where “women are allowed to talk about what they want, freely, without being shamed or intimidated.” And the fact that Tumblr let that happen freely mixed with women talking about and consuming non-sex things, made explorations and expressions of women’s sexuality feel natural and safe in a way that we desperately need and that hardly exists anywhere else.

There was a lot of garbage misogynistic porn on here, like on the the whole internet. But overall in my experience it was much easier to find erotic and sensual content that was a lot more female-friendly or that actively catered to women here than most places, and to engage in discussions.

Some people aren’t comfortable with those topics. Those people had the ability to block people, unfollow people, use safe mode, filter tags, and use extensions to engage in even more granular control. Or, barring that, use fucking Facebook. LJ. Neopets forums, I don’t know. But the ability to access material and have discussions you couldn’t have on other platforms – faretheewell, I guess. This was place was literally built by courting and cultivating NSFW content to drive traffic. Now that it’s worth money, all that, including women who want to talk about sex in a positive, open, communicative environment, and the safe harbor that provides to other women who feel shamed for their sexual desires, or who never see their desires reflected through a woman’s gaze as opposed to catered to men anywhere else, can go. You can imagine my opinion.

But I’ll tell you anyway. Our culture’s perpetual low-level assault on women’s bodies includes a constant assault on things that let us explore and take ownership of our sexuality and sensuality, a process that requires information, open discussion, and sunlight. And yes, a lot of porn is toxic, but some of it and almost all erotica, which is also going to be thrown out with the bath water here, is an incredibly valuable tool for discovering your own pleasure, which is a critical step in being able to seriously demand that your partners help you achieve it – and that they treat you well. It’s just a whole fucked up thing, man.

Adults need their own spaces where they can consume and talk openly about sex, which is a huge and hugely important part of a healthy, whole, fully embodied life for most people. And those spaces need to not be sex-only spaces. The compartmentalization of sexuality and sensuality from all other adult life is a neurotic cultural pathology. Healthy sex is not shameful or dirty or bad; it’s part of a full and complete adult life for most of us, not a dark secret we need to hide in a dark corner. Dark corners are where abuses can be hidden, and where no one can tell you things can and should be better. And without a sense of who people are in addition to sex, which naturally arises from a platform where sex is just part of a mix of things, the sense that it’s a normal part of a whole life for normal people, an important message that our culture does not push, is lost – and so is the ability of women to become credible messengers to each other about what it’s fair to demand for ourselves. The mix of things here was special and important to.

Reblogging because alllll that ^^^^^

Tumblr Was a Safe Space for Women to Consume Porn. Now It’s Banning Adult Content.


Okay, so the craziest thing ever happened to me the other morning. I took my son to school like normal and when we got inside his teacher said “oh, look a cat!” I didn’t look and kept getting my son settled in so I could leave. I sat with him through breakfast and left. As I was walking out I saw the cat across the street and noticed that it was my cat. Surprised that she was there I went to get her. I called her name a couple of times and finally she made her way to me. I placed her in the car confused as hell as to how she got there. She meowed the whole way home. I pondered the whole way home as to how she was in the car on the way there without me noticing. Maybe she had crawled up into the engine? I don’t know. Well when I arrived home I got out and went to open the door for her. I felt something rub against my ankle and I look down and there is my cat. The other cat just looked at me through the car window.. Apparently I found my cats’ twin in the wild. They were a complete mirror image of each other. My mind is still blown.! 🤯

Resources For Writing Deaf, Mute, or Blind Characters




Despite the fact that I am not deaf, mute, or blind myself, one of the most common questions I receive is how to portray characters with these disabilities in fiction.

As such, I’ve compiled the resources I’ve accumulated (from real life deaf, mute, or blind people) into a handy masterlist.

Deaf Characters:

Deaf characters masterpost

Deaf dialogue thread

Dialogue with signing characters (also applies to mute characters.)

A deaf author’s advice on deaf characters

Dialogue between deaf characters

Mute Characters

Life as a Mute

My Silent Summer:  Life as a Mute

What It’s Like Being Mute

21 People Reveal What It’s Really Like To Be Mute

I am a 20 year old Mute, ask me anything at all!

Blind Characters:

The 33 Worst Mistakes Writers Make About Blind Characters.

@referenceforwriters masterpost of resources for writing/playing blind characters.

The youtube channel of the wonderful Tommy Edison, a man blind from birth with great insight into the depiction of blind people and their lives.

An Absolute Write thread on the depiction of blind characters, with lots of different viewpoints and some great tips.

And finally, this short, handy masterpost of resources for writing blind characters.

Characters Who Are Blind in One Eye

4 Ways Life Looks Shockingly Different With One Eye

Learning to Live With One Eye

Adapting to the Loss of an Eye

Adapting to Eye Loss and Monocular Vision

Monocular Depth Perception

Deaf-Blind Characters

What Is It Like To Be Deafblind?

Going Deaf and Blind in a City of Noise and Lights

Deaf and Blind by 30

Sarita is Blind, Deaf, and Employed (video)

Born Deaf and Blind, This Eritrean American Graduated Harvard Law School (video)

A Day of a Deaf Blind Person

Lesser Known Things About Being Deafblind

How the Deaf-Blind Communicate

Early Interactions With Children Who Are Deaf-Blind

Raising a DeafBlind Baby

If you have any more resources to add, let me know!  I’ll be adding to this post as I find more resources.

I hope this helps, and happy writing!  ❤

Updated with more resources, specifically for characters who are blind in one eye.

Oh damn, i need this